Saturday, February 26, 2011

Quick update from the 'World

Husband PR'd at the Royal family 5K this morning in 30:32! The race was very much fun - the World showcase is hillier than I realized! We then had the worst restaurant meal I've had in a long time (Via Napoli), so we're trying to decide where to go for dinner to make up for it. Then an early evening to get ready for a 2am wakeup. Good luck to everyone running tomorrow, and hope is all is well for each and every one of you.

I couldn't have made it through this journey feeling this good about everything without your support. Love and hugs!


  1. Yay! You're going to do awesome!!!! Have fun!

  2. Sorry about Via Napoli! :0(

    YAY Congrats on the 5K and best of luck tomorrow!!!! :0)

  3. Have so much fun! Can't wait to hear about it- hopefully lots of pics (and a GREAT race!) Congrats to your hubs- he should be so proud! Too bad about Via Napoli- I'd advise that you head to Paradiso for Margaritas but wth that 2 AM wake up call perhaps not? HAVE a BLAST tomorrow!

  4. Congrats to your husband! Hope your race went well today!
